How to Prepare for Biology

Due to the busy schedules of some students in the International Baccalaureate program, some grades to suffer, especially of some of the more challenging courses. For example, biology. Here are several ways to help you succeed in biology.

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    Read ahead for biology classes and biology labs. You will gain more from the lectures and laboratory experience if you prepare adequately beforehand.

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    Study with classmates regularly. Organize a study group with classmates that are smart, good helpers, and who stay on task.

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    Go to extra help after school. Although it might not be very exciting to go to extra help in your free time, it will help you in the long run. So another tip is to go in for extra help.

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    When in biology while your teacher is lecturing, it is vital that you take extensive, neat, and accurate notes. Highlight or put a star next to important facts. Class notes are extremely important, as teachers tend to test materials they have emphasised in class.

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    Clarify difficult concepts from the biology lecturers themselves. Attend their office hours and ask questions on things they discussed in class that you have difficulty understanding.

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    If all else fails, you could hire a private tutor to help you boost your grade.Beware, however, that hiring a tutor can be very costly. Before getting a tutor, try the other suggestions first. Note that many schools will offer free tutoring for students. Take advantage of these.